Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Britney and Bia Hoi

(written 28/07/09, posted 28/09/09)

Being 4 girls, it's now become shopping and cocktails. Hanoi is a great place to do this. I didn't get much in China. I seemed to do the more serious travelling stuff and now it feels like I'm on holiday. Also a lot of stuff in China felt very manufactures and it somehow feels better here. The best find is a gravestone with a picture of Britney Spears (see pic).

T and I get on brilliantly too. I feel like I've known her for ages. We waste the afternoon chatting and dawdling round Hanoi dodging motorbikes. I'm so confused about the roads until I realise you don't wait for a gap in the traffic. Just walk and the traffic will avoid you. It's pretty hairy by the lake but usually you can find someone local to follow.
In the evening we go to the Water Puppet theatre. Full of tourists, T is making faces as
she thinks it's naff. I actually think it's funny in places but there is so much more they can do with it. The technical aspect and the music is great and at least we're doing something other than shopping! Once outside I drag everyone away to find Bia Hoi Junction. This is my last chance as after Halong Bay tomorrow we get the night bus to Hoi An.
I get lost, then we decide to get a taxi. When we arrive there are the little plastic stools outside shops serving up the beer. You get a glass of beer then just pass your glass back to the server who refills your glass from the keg. Brilliant. Why aren't there places like this back home? The girls are all starving so I get dragged away for food. No-one fancies the pig on a stick being peddled around for dinner. Shame my friend who told me about this place isn't here. I get the feeling if he was there we wouldn't have finished until 2am and we'd have out the world to rights.

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